External Vulnerability Assessment - EVA
Our External Vulnerability Assessment provides your organization with an understanding of the risks present on your systems with an Internet presence. External threats are those posed by external sources such as hackers, viruses, and trojans to your systems that are accessible via the Internet. Typical systems include firewalls, routers, VPN concentrators, web sites, email, and domain name servers. Testing will enumerate vulnerabilities and identify possible threats that the vulnerabilities pose. A vulnerability assessment does not attempt to exploit identified vulnerabilities.
External testing includes the same basic stages as the internal penetration testing does:
Passive and Active information gathering
Vulnerability identification and ranking
Threat modeling and exploitation attempts
Detection avoidance
Denial-of-service attacks
Brute force attacks
“Are you interested in E3 Services? Do you want more information or a proposal? For more information or to receive a Request For Proposal questionnaire please contact us at (208) 793-0673 or via email at sales@e3technologyinc.com.”