
Web Compliance Review - WCR


A Website Compliance Review assesses your informational website to ensure that your organization is in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and best practices. We will review the entire site to verify that links are operational and are in accordance with accepted practices. Also included is a review of the organization's policies and procedures for management and providing continuity for the website services.


Our Website Compliance Review follows the basic process outlined below:

  1. Review written policy and procedure

  2. Mirror website

  3. Review layout, links, and information on website

  4. Review compliance with all relevant laws and regulations

  5. Review all relevant customer tools including response items, such as email and instant message, to ensure staff is monitoring the system correctly

  6. Create a report with detailed remediation steps

  7. Review report with internal staff 

We further test for the following aspects:

  1. Links - E3 will verify all links and ensure they are appropriate.

  2. Policy and Procedure - E3 will ensure the policy and procedure documents meet regulations and industry best practice.

  3. Online feedback - E3 will review that emails and instant messages and other forms of communications are working as intended.

  4. Laws and Regulations - E3 will ensure that the organization is in compliance with regulations from FFIEC, FDIC, and NCUA including the following:

    • Americans with Disabilities Act

    • Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)

    • Children’s On-line Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

    • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

    • E-Sign Act

    • Fair Credit Reporting

    • Fair Housing

    • FDIC Logo and FDIC Insurance

    • GLBA

    • HIPAA

    • NCUA Logo and NCUA Insurance

    • OFAC

    • Online Privacy Protection

    • Patriot Act

    • Privacy Act

    • Regulation B - Equal Credit Opportunity Act

    • Regulation BB (CRA) - Community Reinvestment Act

    • Regulation C (HDMA) - Home Mortgage Disclosure Act

    • Regulation CC - Expedited Funds Availability Act

    • Regulation DD (TISA) - Truth in Savings Act

    • Regulation E - Electronic Funds Transfer Act

    • Regulation FD - Public Disclosure

    • Regulation X - (RESPA) Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act

    • Regulation Z (TILA) - Truth in Lending Act

Are you interested in E3 Services? Do you want more information or a proposal? For more information or to receive a Request For Proposal questionnaire please contact us at (208) 793-0673 or via email at sales@e3technologyinc.com.
— Exceeding Every Expectation